I’m re-working this site from scratch – sticking with Eleventy, but moving from Nunjucks templates/macros to WebC and web components. Outside of static-site templates, one goal of this refresh is to keep things as ‘vanilla’ as possible.
This isn’t some purist stance on my part. There are a lot of great tools that we recommend to clients every day. But this is my personal site, and a place to experiment. What happens when I let go of all the tools that I’m used to, and rely entirely on the web platform?
Along the way,
I’m trying to find the best pattern
for organizing my CSS into Cascade Layers.
Layering can be done within a file,
using the @layer <name> { … }
rule block,
or it can be done with a layer(<name>)
I prefer the latter
for my top-level layers, because:
- The layering can happen in one central place
- Renaming and reordering is more more flexible
- There’s less nesting in the CSS files
A few other rough criteria for how I write CSS:
- Component-specific styles can be embedded in ‘single file components’ (WebC handles this well), but most of my CSS will be global
- I like the global styles split into ‘partials’, so it’s not all one long document[1]
- Each partial will be assigned to a cascade layer
Without any build steps,
I get an HTML <head>
that contains something like:
<style webc:keep>
@layer reset, config, default, layout, component, utility;
@import url('/css/reset.css') layer(reset);
@import url('/css/config/colors.css') layer(config);
@import url('/css/config/sizes.css') layer(config);
@import url('/css/default/type.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/default/links.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/default/buttons.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/default/forms.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/default/media.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/default/blocks.css') layer(default);
@import url('/css/layout/page.css') layer(layout);
@import url('/css/layout/nav.css') layer(layout);
@import url('/css/layout/header.css') layer(layout);
@import url('/css/layout/main.css') layer(layout);
@import url('/css/layout/footer.css') layer(layout);
@import url('/css/utility/a11y.css') layer(utility);
The component styles are missing from that global list. CSS is designed to be global, and the best way to write minimal CSS (in my experience) is to focus more on reusable patterns over individual components. So I don’t expect much to end up in our component layer, but there’s always something. We can access those styles as a WebC asset bundle:
<style webc:keep
@raw="`@import url(${getBundleFileUrl('css')}) layer(component);`"
I love that there’s very little build-time magic involved! Still, that’s a whole wall of imports, and I have a decades-old flinch reflex when I see that. Should I be worried?
Am I creating performance issues?
I’m not a performance expert, so I asked mastodon, and got a generally positive but mixed response.
It might not be the best performance, but (with HTTP 2/3) it shouldn’t be bad. My personal site doesn’t need eXtreme optimization, so that might be good enough for me? I’ll probably ship it, and find out.
Still, I know the first step in optimizing CSS is to concatenate – so I did explore a few approaches along the way, which could work if I need them.
Sass can load-css
into layers
In the past, I’ve used Sass.
I like Sass a lot.
In Sass,
I concatenate and layer the partials
using meta.load-css()
in my primary Sass file:
@use 'sass:meta';
@layer reset {
@layer config {
// etc.
That works pretty well. It’s what I’ve been doing on this site ever since I originally added layers.
But if I’m not using Sass for anything else, maybe I can avoid the dependency altogether?
When in Eleventy, do as the Eleventies do
(Eleventines? Eleventonians?)
I’m already using WebC,
which provides asset bundling.
I’ve already used that feature (above)
to concatenate individual component styles.
That compiles all the CSS
into one bundle,
and all the JS into another
(unless you opt-out with webc:keep
Those bundles are available
as either raw output
or external files:
<!-- direct output -->
<style @raw="getBundle('css')" webc:keep></style>
<script @raw="getBundle('js')" webc:keep></script>
<!-- external files output -->
<link :href="getBundleFileUrl('css')" rel="stylesheet" webc:keep></style>
<script :src="getBundleFileUrl('js')" webc:keep></script>
But you can take that even further
with asset bucketing –
assigning <style>
, <link>
, or <script>
to individually named CSS or JS buckets:
<style webc:bucket="good">/* … */</style>
<link webc:bucket="bad" href="terrible.css" rel="stylesheet" >
<style webc:bucket="bad">/* … */</style>
<style webc:bucket="ugly">/* … */</style>
And each bucket will get bundled up individually:
<!-- just the bad styles -->
<style @raw="getBundle('css', 'bad')" webc:keep></style>
Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Probably. It’s the title of the post.
Bundles let you concatenate CSS partials, and buckets let you group them as needed. That’s what I’m trying to do.
My CSS partials are external stylesheets,
not attached to any particular WebC component,
so first I have to pull them into buckets.
I can do that with <link>
tags in the header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../_css/reset.css" webc:bucket="reset">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../_css/config/colors.css" webc:bucket="config">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../_css/config/sizes.css" webc:bucket="config">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../_css/config/fonts.css" webc:bucket="config">
<!-- etc -->
Since I’m using webc:bucket
and not webc:keep
these <link>
tags won’t appear in the HTML output.
But now I have my buckets.
Since I’m interested in layering the buckets ‘on import’,
I’ll need to generate external stylesheets.
And since layering is
not yet possible with the <link>
I’ll need to use @import
rules instead.
WebC makes that simple enough,
using JS template tags.
These, I’ll keep around:
@raw="`@import url(${getBundleFileUrl('css', 'reset')}) layer(reset);`"
@raw="`@import url(${getBundleFileUrl('css', 'config')}) layer(config);`"
<!-- etc -->
We can simplify that even more,
using webc:for
I don’t know if there’s a way
to access the list of buckets in WebC,
so (for now) I’ve just added some front-matter data.
While I’m at it,
I’ll use that data to define my layer order up-front:
<!-- <style>@layer reset, config, default, etc;</style> -->
@raw="`@layer ${($data.layers).join(', ')};`"
<!-- <style>@import url('bucket-name.css') layer(bucket-name);</style> -->
webc:for="layer of ($data.layers)"
@raw="`@import url(${getBundleFileUrl('css', layer)}) layer(${layer});`"
That’s it! Not quite as compact as the other two approaches, but it’s close – and it works great, without any extra dependencies.
I might be able to simplify that even further
with webc:type='js'
but I’ll cross that bridge
if I decide that concatenation is
worth the effort.